With the advent of technological advancement, lots of individuals are venturing into software and web development. For these individuals to be able to develop software, they need to understand what computer programs are and what programming languages.

A program/software is a sequence of instructions that specifies how to perform a computation or to perform specific tasks. For example: using word-processing programs to write letters, papers, and books. These programs are written by a programming language.

 A programming language is a set of commands, governed by rules (instructions and syntax) for creating software. There are different categories of programming languages. But in this article, we are going to talk about Low-level and High-level programming languages.

Low-Level Programming Languages: they are  Used to write programs that relate to the specific architecture and hardware of a particular type of computer. They are Closer to the native computer language; thus binary (zeros and ones), which makes them harder for programmers to comprehend. They are challenging to learn and understand Their execution is faster The programs are difficult to modify, For writing a program, hardware knowledge is a must. Examples of low-level languages include Machine language and assembly language

High-Level Programming Languages: They contain English words and phrases and algebraic expressions and focus more on the programming logic rather than the underlying hardware components. It’s easy to learn and understand them; they execute slower than low-level languages. The programs are easy to modify, For Writing a program, hardware knowledge is not required.  Examples of high-level languages include C++, COBOL, Java Script, Python, Objective C, Java, and Visual Basic. etc.

 Like assembly languages, high-level programming languages must be translated into machine language before they can be understood by the computer. They are translated into machine language by interpreters and compilers.

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